Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wanggo Gallaga, "I would randomly chat with someone, agree to meet and have sex"

Source: IRIN PlusNews - Global HIV/AIDS news and analysis

When Wanggo Gallaga, 29, a Filipino writer from the capital, Manila and the son of a critically acclaimed film director, publicly announced he was HIV positive, it sent a powerful message that anyone can get HIV. 

The national adult HIV prevalence is less than 0.1 percent in a population of 90 million, making the Philippines a low-incidence country, but since the 1990s, only two people have publicly admitted having the virus. Wanggo spoke to IRIN/PlusNews shortly after disclosing his HIV status on national television.

"I became sexually active when I was 17, and had my first boyfriend. When it ended, I realised that after being involved with someone at such a young age, I didn't know how to go out and meet people. I didn't know how to date.

Read more here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

New HIV Indicator Registry improves access to high-quality indicators

UNAIDS announces the launch of a central repository of information on indicators used to track the response to the HIV epidemic. Through the Indicator Registry, professionals in monitoring and evaluation, for the first time ever have access to the complete definitions of all key indicators in one central database. - Fri, 13 Mar 2009

Read more here.

Publications and Resources

HIV in the Philippines

AIDS Websites - Philippines

Updated: 11 September 2011

Previous Updates:
  • 19 June 2010