Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What is the UNDP - Spain MDG Achievement Fund?

In December 2006, UNDP and the Government of Spain signed a far-reaching agreement to establish a new fund to accelerate efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals, and to support UN reform efforts at the country level. The Spanish Government has committed €528 million to the MDG Achievement Fund (MDG-F), to be programmed between 2007 and end-2010.

The Fund will operate through the UN development system and finance, typically, collaborative UN activities that leverage the clear value-added of the UN in the sector and country concerned, particularly where the UN’s collective strength is harnessed in order to address multi-dimensional development challenges. 57 countries are eligible to apply for assistance from the Fund.

The MDG-F will intervene in a number of thematic areas, including democratic governance, gender equality and women’s empowerment, basic social services, economic and private sector development, environment and climate change, culture and development and conflict prevention and peace building.

Visit their website to know more about MDG-F.

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