Monday, May 21, 2007

The Fiscal Implications of Scaling Up ODA to Deal with the HIV/AIDS Pandemic

Conference Paper # 3

In this IPC-supported Conference Paper, “The Fiscal Implications of Scaling up ODA to Deal with the HIV/AIDS Epidemic”, the author examines whether scaled-up aid can effectively stem the epidemic without inducing macroeconomic disturbances, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where there is already a high level of aid dependence. The author concludes that although there are such potential dangers, they are manageable and provide no reason for delaying the immediate application of resources on a large scale.

Available online at:

Please see Conference Paper #1 and Conference Paper #2 for related discussions of exchange rates policies and monetary policies. All three papers were commissioned as part of the Global Conference on “Gearing Macroeconomic Policies to Reverse the HIV/AIDS Epidemic”, held last November 2006 in Brasilia and co-sponsored by the HIV/AIDS Group of UNDP and the IPC.

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