Wednesday, July 11, 2007

AIDS in the Philippines - SNAPSHOT

Since the country’s first reported AIDS case in 1984, the National AIDS Registry of the Department of Health has recorded a cumulative total of 2,857 HIV and AIDS cases as of May 2007. Almost half (47%) were detected in the last 6 years (2001-2006). Majority of HIV cases hit Filipino adults during their peak economically productive years (58% were aged 25-39 years old). All modes of transmission have already been reported, but sexual means remains to be the most common (87%). Returning overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) account for about 35% of reported cases (or as high as 46% in 2001-2005). It should be noted, however, that HIV antibody testing is systematically conducted among OFWs as part of the employment requirements of the employer and/or the host country.

Compared to the monthly average in the last 5 years (2001-2005) which was 16 per month, the AIDS Registry showed an average of 26 new HIV cases per month for 2006. As early as May 2006 the total HIV cases have already exceeded that of 2005. The first 5 months of 2007 showed the highest monthly average to date, 27 new HIV cases per month.

Download the 3-page snapshot here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

2.5 million people living with HIV in India

Updates from the UNAIDS Website...
As part of its continuous efforts to know its epidemic better, India’s National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), supported by UNAIDS and WHO, have used improved data from more sources and revised the methodology used to analyse this new data to get a better understanding of the AIDS epidemic in India.

Read more
Read press release ( en | ru )

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Kenya 2007: Changing Lives, Changing Communities

Updates from the UNAIDS Website...
The World YWCA is hosting the first ever global conference on women and HIV. The International Women’s Summit on Women’s Leadership and HIV will bring together over 1500 women and men from 4 to 7 July to develop strategies, skills and partnerships in response to the impact of AIDS on women and girls. Read more

Sunday, July 1, 2007

UN Joint Team on AIDS

Members of the UN Joint Team on AIDS (Jan - Dec 2007)
  1. ILO - Hirose, Kenichi
  2. ILO - Jesus Macasil
  3. IMO - Jaime Calderon
  4. Lacson, Sarah
  5. Melanie Olayres
  6. Mira Fajar
  7. UN Habitat - Bong Antonio
  8. UNAIDS - Ced Apilado
  9. UNAIDS - Ma. Elena Borromeo
  10. UNAIDS - Ma. Lourdes Virginia Ramos
  11. UNAIDS - Quintos, Ma. Lourdes
  12. UNAIDS - Zimmbodilion Mosende
  13. UNDP - Corazon Urquico
  14. UNDP - Fe Cabral
  15. UNESCO - Emmy Yanga
  16. UNFPA - Hendry Plaza
  17. UNFPA - Jovanni Templonuevo
  18. UNFPA - Rena Dona
  19. UNFPA - Roderick Poblete
  20. UNICEF - Ayeaye Mon (until June 2007)
  21. UNICEF - Philip Castro
  22. UNRC - Ruth Honculada
  23. WHO - Mads Salva
  24. World Bank - Edward Banzon

UNAIDS Secretariat

UNAIDS Country Office Team (January - December 2008)

Teresita Marie "Bai" Bagasao
UNAIDS Country Coordinator (UCC)

Zimmbodilion "Peter" Y. Mosende
Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser

Mercedes "Ced" Apilado
Partnership and Social Mobilization Officer (PSMO)

Ma. Lourdes "Malou" Quintos
Programme Assistant (PA)

Ma. Lourdes "Des" Virginia Ramos
Resource Center Coordinator / Secretary

Alan Masajo

UNAIDS Country Office Team (January - December 2007)

Ma. Elena "Marlyn" F. Borromeo
UNAIDS Country Coordinator (UCC)

Zimmbodilion "Peter" Y. Mosende
Monitoring and Evaluation Adviser

Mercedes "Ced" Apilado
Partnership and Social Mobilization Officer (PSMO)

Ma. Lourdes "Malou" Quintos
Programme Assistant (PA)

Ma. Lourdes "Des" Virginia Ramos
Resource Center Coordinator / Secretary

Alan Masajo